27/14: the bathroom reno finishing touches

Once a task is complete, one tends to forget how much work was actually involved, but looking back through the renovation photos we can appreciate the achievement…and we didn’t get divorced!

During the process, occasionally one of us would go and stare at the bathroom for some time. It turned out that when my husband was looking, he was working out technical and practical aspects of the renovation. Although I would do the same, I was more often envisaging what it was going to look like when it was finished, and where I would place different ornaments and accessories to create a bathroom with an Art Deco feel. This is how we make such a good team, and our labour of love has been truly worthwhile, but don’t just take my word for it. Time for some photographic evidence.

Bathroom reno FINISHED (1) Bathroom reno FINISHED (2) Bathroom reno FINISHED (3) Bathroom reno FINISHED (4) Bathroom reno FINISHED (5) Bathroom reno FINISHED (6) Bathroom reno FINISHED (7) Bathroom reno FINISHED (8) Bathroom reno FINISHED (9) Bathroom reno FINISHED (10) Bathroom reno FINISHED (11) Bathroom reno FINISHED (12)