14/52: rocks in my head

While some people may think this is a metaphorical truth, in reality I speak of my planning process. Some days I work quite hard in the garden, and at times I wander around just looking, thinking and planning.

Many ideas go through my head while strolling about the yard, some which take me off on total flights of fancy. For example, there was the time we came back from  a trip to France and I was envisaging building a second storey just so we could have a balcony. I came to my senses fairly quickly, as that would have been very expensive. Perhaps I might just enjoy the architecture when I am actually in France.

After Thailand I came back pumped about a tropical garden, but this idea has actually come to fruition.

Currently there are rocks swirling around in my head, ready for some revision. Whereas stone walls are permanent, single rocks or groups thereof can be rearranged as required. Usually these rearrangements involve more than one area, so it takes some thinking about. Okay, if I move those rocks over there, that means this area needs something else, and so on. Weeks may pass before I actually work on that project, but it has had time to agitate about my mind and change a few times before I even tackle the task.

Rocks can be rearranged to accommodate the growth of plants as well, such as in the front garden. The large rock featuring in the second photo was obscured by plant growth.

where the marigolds were

featuring large rock

I’ve tidied up the side of the driveway and the edge of the footpath using bricks and rocks I was given, in addition to rocks I already had. The whole job only cost me time and labour, and gave me much satisfaction. I even used old weathered palings to extend the bottom edge of the fence next to the driveway.

needing a makeover   edging done and fence repaired

front corner


319/366: recycled fence extension

 Attacking the garden with renewed vigour after our recent holiday to Thailand, I think I overdid it yesterday, since it was one of the worst hayfever days of the season.

The recycled bamboo blinds on the paling fence at the end of the pergola did not cover the whole fence, so I still needed to add something at the top that would also provide a screen between the neighbour’s window and our outdoor entertaining area.

I used some treated pine lattice that was lying around, and attached some recycled pieces of brush fencing with a staple gun, which also helped tidy up the patio. Why go out and buy things when you can create something from things you already have? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE shopping for pretty much anything, but I get great pleasure out of being resourceful and creative.

171/366: giant river pebbles

Yes, yes, I know that giant river pebbles are actually river stones or river rocks, but somehow this title struck a chord with me. If you are familiar with my blog/s, you may have noticed that I seem to enjoy creating the titles of each post.

Many years ago when I was deciding on a career to follow, one of my ideas was to go into advertising. That never happened, but over the years in other areas I have designed logos and mottos anyway, but now I get to make some cutesy and hopefully sometimes clever titles every day, thanks to blogging.

Back to the story of the giant river pebbles. The other day I was fortunate enough to get a pile of rocks. From the same neighbours, because they had sold the rear land behind their house, I was able to dig out a whole lot of these stones that otherwise would have been bulldozed away. Recycling, way to go!

I reversed up the drive, and loaded them straight into the boot of my little hatchback on some tarp. Again, more ideas for other corners of the garden abound. Stay tuned!

163/366: spot the addition

After we had the utility side of the house professionally landscaped, there was just one more thing we needed in order to hang our washing out in any season.

Can you spot the addition by looking at the before and after photos?

This was another example of recycling, as my clever husband utilised posts, other timber and roofing from the original pergola to create this area where we can hang out our washing with no fear of rain.


106/366: makeover magic

Having been so busy in the garden with multiple projects since starting this daily blog, I have neglected some areas requiring maintenance. As I eat my breakfast, I see the patio. Why not give this area a revamp since I look out at it every day?

The old adage of a stitch in time saves nine can be true in the garden also. I had to tackle a number of problems before I could work my makeover magic.

The Black-eyed Susan needed cutting back, as it was entwining itself around anything and everything. Unfortunately, I had been untangling it and carefully trimming extraneous vines when oops, I mistakenly cut the wrong one and ended up losing the whole lot. Oh well, it may grow again.If not, at least I still have photos of it!

Meanwhile, the asparagus fern had been having a party of its own, wrapping itself around branches, as well as the string of LED lights that I had placed on the bush some months ago.

Once all that was cut back and detangled, I utilised my earlier vision to create an arched effect. Adding a few pots, I actually spent no money on the whole job, because I recycled and relocated things we already had. Another achievement!

27/366: recycling a pillow

You may wonder what pillow recycling has to do with the garden, but I have found a great use for old pillows. Rather than throwing out a pillow as soon as you have bought new ones, I use them for kneeling on in the garden.

It provides a lovely soft surface for the knees, plus it also protects the back because if you are planting or weeding you are not crouched or bent over. This way it is a much more ergonomic way to work.

These pillows eventually make their way into the rubbish bin, but not before they have served a very useful secondary existence.