22/15: from a cutting to magnificence

One of the best things about succulents is the ease with which they can be propogated. Originally purchased in a small container from a nursery, this succulent, Mesembryanthemum, was planted in the backyard, providing a wonderful mass of colour in 2011.

looking towards the middle tier

I have since taken various cuttings and planted them in small pots until they were ready to plant out. Most succulents, however, can just be stuck in the ground and they usually take. The photos below show the current postion of this batch in the front garden. A good investment, I think.

great succulents from cuttings grow

a mass of colour

21/15: october – month of remembrance

October 6th 1945 was the day my parents married, with Dad in uniform and Mum in a borrowed dress. Such were the times at the end of World War 2. They have been gone for fourteen years, but today would have been their 70th wedding anniversary. God bless them both.

Wedding of Jack Reid and Elaine Basson 06-10-1945 for blog

Fitting then, that the purple rhododendron we transplanted over twenty years ago from their house in Mitcham to ours in Croydon, Victoria, Australia, began flowering this week.

Rhododendron 2015 (2) Rhododendron 2015

OctoberOctober Quote

18/15: happy fourth blogging anniversary to me!

A little note appeared from WordPress, wishing me happy blogging anniversary. Four years of blogging. This probably explains my slightly depleted enthusiasm, but things go in cycles.

I have updated my “about me” page, which I thought I would share as a post, to welcome the fifth year of blogging.

Welcome to the new look princess prattles! I believe that a blog is in an evolutionary state, allowing it to change with the times and the needs of the author. Hopefully the readers will like these alterations.

Early on, this blog, princessprattles.com, focussed on two things I love – my garden and my cats.

peach roses offset by an azure sky

Nowadays it covers all things creative, a less limiting catchphrase.

I can still include cats, since they can fall into the category of photography.

zorro reclines gracefully

I love being resourceful and recycling in all my creative pursuits. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section.

looks lovely now

In 2012 I was a successful participant in Project 365, managing to post every day of the 366 available. My garden thanks me for the effort!

2013 saw me minimise the commitment to once a week, and since 2014 I have been blogging when the urge takes me, instead of utilising a specific schedule. Posts are numbered numerically rather than by week, because sometimes there may be a few in quick succession. Stay tuned!

March Quote

Comments and feedback are welcome.  Thank you for stopping by to share my journey.

Sandi, the crafty princess.


16/15: early signs of spring

the first daffodil of 2015

Once again I am astounded that a couple of daffodils opened their petals just after my birthday on July 1st. I was just as surprised in 2012, 185/366: the daffodil tradition, at their early appearance, though in that year I couldn’t find the blue vase. Read the above underlined link for the significance of the missing blue vase.

Fortunately, we found said blue vase in 2013, so we were able to continue the tradition of 32/366: dad’s daffodils.

This year, 2015, they took pride of place on top of the crystal cabinet that I received from my generous husband on my birthday.

the daffodil tradition continues